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What It Means and Why It Matters...

What It Means… If someone tells you: "Don't forget me" what will you feel? ...excited? ...appalled? …shocked? …energized? …thrilled? Well, for me, it depends on the situation; how it was conveyed; or the manner it was delivered. But however and whatever it is, it only means one thing, someone cares for you! In some ways, of course, like friendship. “Don’t forget me” doesn't always mean someone is leaving. Or something has to end. For me, it means everything. …you’re always in my mind. …hope you will never leave. …stay the same. Why It Matters… When someone tells you this phrase, it is up to the recipient on how to interpret it; because one doesn't just utter these words for the sake of telling it. The mere fact that it is conveyed in a sincerest manner, you can say that person cares for you, as a friend. These applies when the phrase is verbally conveyed. But what if it is expressed through something. Like

What It Means and Why It Matters!

What It Means… If someone tells you: "Don't forget me" what will you feel? ...excited? ...appalled? …shocked? …energized? …thrilled? Well, for me, it depends on the situation; how it was conveyed; or the manner it was delivered. But however and whatever it is, it only means one thing, someone cares for you! In some ways, of course, like friendship. “Don’t forget me” doesn't always mean someone is leaving. Or something has to end. For me, it means everything. …you’re always in my mind. …hope you will never leave. …stay the same. Why It Matters… When someone tells you this phrase, it is up to the recipient on how to interpret it; because one doesn't just utter these words for the sake of telling it. The mere fact that it is conveyed in a sincerest manner, you can say that person cares for you, as a friend. These applies when the phrase is verbally conveyed. But what if it is expressed through something. Like